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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.66, No.0, 17 ~ 29, 2020
Interactive Exhibition Presentation and Visitor Engagement - Focused on National Children's Science Museum -
홍슬기 Suelgi Hong , 전예슬 Yesel Jun , 황동은 Dongeun Hwang , 김소연 Soyeon Kim
Background Various participatory interactive exhibits are being introduced in response to the expansions of the role of museums and of consumer expectations. However, these exhibits are experiencing limitations in communication due to the fact that the majority of them involve only a small number of participants at a time. This study explores the ways in which interactive exhibits can communicate more effectively with a wider range of audience by analyzing visitor engagement characteristics induced by different types of interactive exhibit presentations. Methods Interactive exhibit presentations are classified, by which exhibits at the National Children’s Science Museum are analyzed. Representative presentation classifications are selected, and behavioral observations are conducted to deduce participation characteristics of the presentation types. Result Active behaviors were observed more frequently for exhibits rated high in interaction level. Further, the number of indirect participants is found to increase as direct participants' active interaction behavior and exhibits' responses were shared audiovisual. Conclusion Interactive exhibits can achieve a rich communication with a more diverse range of visitors by inducing higher levels of immersion from naturally participating behaviors of direct participants as well as by adopting presentation types that expose direct participants’ behaviors to peripheral visitors.
Key Words
인터랙티브 전시, 전시 프레젠테이션, 관람객 참여, interactive exhibition, exhibition presentation, visitor engagement
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