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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.66, No.0, 7 ~ 17, 2020
Fashion Style Standardized Educational Digital Contents Learning Model - Focused on VR/AR contents -
김향자 Hyang-ja Kim
Background This study implements digital fashion VR / AR educational contents by necessity of fostering convergent fashion digital contents experts. In order to present the process of freely authoring fashion design in a three-dimensional virtual space and presenting the result visually and three-dimensionally, we developed an AR (Augmented reality) app and empirically presented the process of implementing it in a fashion item. Methods The ecosystem development and activation of the fashion design industry. To develop fashion design in a systematic way by type, the design cases were analyzed and extracted based on the fashion style standardization learning module (Kim, H.J. 2019; Kim, H.J. 2018). Result First, the toolkit for designing in three-dimensional space was implemented using the 3D sketch program, Google's open source library, Steam VR's Tilt brush and HTC's VIVE equipment. Second, in order to run VR content as an augmented reality app, Unity was created with Unity 2019.2.7.f or higher version with excellent compatibility with 3D program, and the app file was implemented as an app by building Android Vuforia engine SDK. Third, in order to learn fashion design educational contents, DTP & PRESS were processed to enable creative design while realizing design examples by implementing them on T-shirts among fashion items. Conclusion By presenting a standardized learning module as a fashion design education process using digital virtual programs, expressing creative ideas as new perspectives and methods to instructors and learners, developing digital fashion culture contents specialists, developing curriculum, and establishing fashion-related business models.
Key Words
디지털 패션 콘텐츠, 에듀 테크, Digital fashion contents, VR/AR, Edutech
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