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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.60, No.0, 135 ~ 147, 2018
A Study on Infographics Research Trend from 2004 to 2017: Focusing on the Content Analysis of Academic Journal Articles in Korea
진진아 Jin Jinah
Background With the rapid change of media platforms, the communication between big data and recipients has gained in importance. Infographics, the visual expression of a large quantity of selected and extracted data, exerts positive influence by not only enhancing the user’s recollective memory and understanding but also arousing his or her interest. In this light, the study is designed to identify the current academic standing of Infographics that registers high levels of usability in the industry and thereby provide useful suggestions to both the related workers and researchers. Methods Chosen for analysis a total of 82 research papers extracted from the academic journals listed in the South Korean academic databases, keywords such as infographic and infographics (and their Korean equivalents) were used. The thesis has come up with the results by analyzing the content, and the research results have been analyzed and come up with the implications for research trends by focusing on the significance of chi-squared test. Result First, as far as the characteristics of the researchers are concerned, the largest number of the researches had one or two researchers, esp. with those working in academia and specializing in design. Second, as far as the research characteristics go, many of the studies focused on web-related media. They were visibly concerned with Infographics in education and most of them were done by analyzing the content. Third, the majority of the studies treated production, planning, and strategy, and the expressive elements and characteristics of Infographics. Fourth, the study shows that research on infographics began in 2004 and there was a lull until 2011 when full-blown research started and registered a sharp increase in 2014. Lastly, a relatively larger percentage of the papers ended up published. Conclusion The study is significant, in that it has come up with implications by performing a total analysis on and figuring out the trends in academic research on Infographics, which is now used in various areas. It is also significant, in that it presents important guidelines for related workers identifying infographic trends and creating strategy and presents related researchers with directions for future research by identifying the general research trends. Future collaboration among academic fields should require an interdisciplinary approach.
Key Words
인포그래픽, 내용분석, 연구동향, Infographic, Content analysis, Research trend
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