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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.59, No.0, 37 ~ 49, 2018
Analysis on the Usability of Brand Experience Design in Splash Screen of the Smart Phone APP
이효은 Hyo-eun Lee , 임경호 Kyung-ho Lim
Background In digital and mobile environments of brand experience has grown from its original product purchase or service experience to a more varied experience through smart devices. Smart apps are being used ad a brand experience of touchpoints. They are actively used more than any other tools for brand experience and serve as a channels to connect with the consumers. Corporations are providing new brand experience to consumers through highly accessible smart media. The brands are using splash screen as a means of brand experience in order to maximize the brand image in a standardized smart media app market. This research recognizes the necessity of working on the current brand experience in the mobile era and The purpose is to present the effective orientation and overall usability of the brand experience design that is used for splash screens. Methods This research focuses on literature research about the concept of brand design and analysis modules of brand experience as well as an analyses on the usability of brand experience designs based on strategic experiential modules according to case studies in splash screens. Result Results have shown that the think experience was being used most in the splash screens, and also that sense experience with motion graphics, which mostly consists of aesthetic elements, appeared in combination with other experience categories. Conclusion Conclusively, the use of splash screens for brand experience designs will be able to merge appropriately with other elements of experience, other than think experience, to provide a new brand experience design for consumers and develop the competitiveness of the brand itself.
Key Words
스플래시 화면, 스마트폰 앱, 브랜드 경험디자인, Splash Screen, Smart Phone APP, Brand Experience Design
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