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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.58, No.0, 109 ~ 123, 2018
Study about the characteristics of Hanji and Washi through the analysis of dye, extracted from the peel of an onion - Focused on Oebal process in traditional Korean way and Ssangbal process in traditional Japanese way -
고소미 So-mi Ko , 김성연 Sung-yeon Kim
Background In East Asia, paper manufacturing has been independently developed based upon the usage and taste, or culture and natural characteristics, so that the paper making companies have been growing according to the influential relationships with surrounding countries. However, modern paper manufacturing of Korea faces the reality of losing traditional method due to the distribution of improved manufacturing technology newly adopted into Korea as part of Japan’s colonial era policy. This research focuses on Korea’s history, manufacturing and plastic feature of traditional paper that are losing thrust in modern society compared to Japan’s Washi, which inevitably influenced the Korean paper regarding modern history. Therefore, it tries to expand the base of Hanji, the Korean paper, by contributing to the succession of tradition and development of paper. Methods Through the experiment of dyeing ability of paper, we examine the characteristics of traditional paper of Korea and Japan through the relation between paper strength and dyeability, and the difference of how paper is being floated. In the dyeing experiment, we calculated the color difference values according to time, concentration, temperature, pH and fixative by extracting dye from the onion skin. Then, we look into the differences and characteristics of Korean paper and Washi through the dyeing characteristics of each paper. Result The machine paper containing a small amount of acidic pulp contains a large amount of lignin component compared with the paper with 100% of mulberry, so that the amorphous area is increased, resulting excellence in dyeing ability due to penetration of the dye through hydrolysis reaction is easy. Twin style traditional Washi, compared to single style traditional Korean paper, resulted in having higher coloring power. This seems to be due to the increased possibility of extended amorphous regions as the fiber could be multi-directed to increase the coloring power. Also, it shows that Korean paper has lower coloring power but higher strength compared to Washi. Therefore, it was the difference of paper manufacturing technique which resulted in the relationship between strength of paper and dyeing, and the appearance of strength-related characteristics. Conclusion Washi contains higher coloring power compared to Korean paper, but with respect to strength, Korean paper excels. Korean paper and Washi became noticeable with their eco-friendly properties and with their characteristics of antibiosis, deodorizing, air permeability and hygroscopic property, they are frequently used as building and organic materials. Korean paper and Washi are neutral paper and can withstand 1,000 years. It is difficult for western pulp paper to pass over 100 years because it is acidic. Therefore, lots of interest are focused in paper created by mulberry to recover historical documents but it is disappointing that most of them are Washi. It is notable that it is necessary to know and improve the advantages and disadvantages of the strength of Korean paper and the high coloring power of Washi in the utilization of traditional fiber.
Key Words
한지, 와시, 염색성, Hanji, Washi, Dyeability
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