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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.58, No.0, 89 ~ 99, 2018
A Study on The Typology for Fonts Identification - Focusing on The difference element in shape of Hangul font -
김나연 Na Youn Kim
Background By font design program, the number of fonts has increased, and its shape is diversifying. Search for the fonts desired by users is to search for fonts uploaded by individuals or companies on the Web. other words there is little to search for the fonts desired by users. Methods Theoretical considerations have validated the possibility of type classification being able to search and utilize fonts. I have presented the criteria for identifying fonts, And representative characters and elements that differentiate between shapes. In addition, the difference element in shape were applied to Hangul fonts, and the scope of the study was to search for the fonts. Result The criteria for type classification for font search are presented. (27 elements and 24 representative letters) tests were carried out based on the results. There were one element of contact with each of the 25 fonts, and the result was divided into three types. 361 expression symbols were selected and 8 san-serif fonts were selected for identification verification. A result the same type of font was identified in eight different types. Finally, I presented five font search methods. Conclusion Two verification results for font identification have shown that the identification is possible by immediately responding to fonts produced exponentially. Font search system is available for efficient search and utilization study of the font search system should be handled more elaborately in subsequent papers. continuous study and font search systems can be implemented for font shapes.
Key Words
유형분류, 형태변별요소, 한글폰트식별, The Typology, The difference element in shape, Fonts Identification
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