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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.56, No.0, 49 ~ 59, 2017
A Study on Universal Design Application Milk and Juice Package Design
이경수 Kyungsoo Lee , 김영희 Younghee Kim
Background Recently, the need for universal design for the elderly has been emphasized as the aging society has entered the world, and Korea is also entering an aging society. The purpose of this study is to investigate the application of universal design of milk and juice package. Methods A sample of domestic milk and juice package designs were surveyed based on the 7 principles of universal design for elderly people aged 60 ~ 75 years, and the correlation of significance was proved by cross - analysis and correlation analysis through hypothesis. Result A survey of universal design applications of domestic milk and juice package design showed that space and equity were high, but information was low and needed improvement. In order to improve this information, it is necessary to design a picture-centered design. Conclusion Domestic milk and juice package designs are mostly carton packs in paper form, making it difficult for children and the elderly to open. It is necessary to apply Easy Open lid which can open with small force to such container. Also, it is necessary to apply design such as pictogram to increase the size of letters and to know the information at a glance so that elderly people can easily understand the information of the product before purchase.
Key Words
유니버설 디자인, 패키지 디자인, 우유 주스, Universal Design, Package Design, Milk Juice
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