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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.56, No.0, 27 ~ 36, 2017
Case Study of Early Design Education in Advanced Countries and Design Museum`s Design Education Programs
이현경 Lee Hyun-kyung
Background As the design becomes a core competency, each country has recognized the importance of educating and fostering talented people who will lead the design field in the future and has been committed to activate it. Along with the introduction of the 7th educational curriculum in Korea, there is continuous effort to promote design education, but there is no visible outcome. In this study, we will explore the direction of the design education with successful design education cases. Methods This study is qualitative research based on case study. The research question posed in this study is: What are the best practices of the early age design education in United Kingdom and United States as advance countries in relations to its structure and strategies. Grounded theory approach was used to make sense of the collection and analysis of the data. Data collection of document analysis was used primarily. Result The UK and United States have the following common points in design education. First of all, early education is based on national support. Second, it encourages students to realize that design is not independent field of their own and induce them to think creatively in a variety of fields. Finally, it guarantees the diversity of education through the use of design museums and its connections. Conclusion Domestic design education needs to clarity the boundaries of fine art and design. It also requires efforts to explore a comprehensive approach to design education for various field and to explore a variety of training methods.
Key Words
조기 디자인 교육, 디자인적 사고, Early Design Education, Design thinking
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