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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.56, No.0, 7 ~ 17, 2017
The influences of the emotional labor of the beauty treatment employees on their intentions to change their jobs - Centered on the mediating effects of the job satisfaction -
이영아 Young A Lee
Background The purpose of this research is to take a look at the relationships between the emotional labors, the job satisfaction, and the intentions to change the jobs of the beauty treatment employees and to present a plan for reducing the intentions to change jobs by analyzing the mediating effects of the job satisfaction in the relationship between the emotional labor and the intention to change the job. Methods Emotional labor as an independent variable, intention to change the job as a dependent variable, and job satisfaction as parameters. A questionnaire was conducted on 204 employees of the beauty salon. SPSS and AMOS were used for analysis. Result The route from the emotional labor to the job satisfaction had the negative (-) influence, the route from the job satisfaction to the intention to change the job was showing a negative (-) influence, and the route from the emotional labor to the intention to change the job was having a positive (+) influence. As a result of analyzing the mediating effects of the job satisfaction regarding the influences of the emotional labor to the intention to change the job, it was showing a partial mediating effect. Conclusion As a result, the improvement of the working environment is necessary. And the education for improving the self-regard of the employees at the beauty parlors is necessary. Also, the meticulous customer management and the plans for the active coping regarding the bad customers are necessary.
Key Words
감정노동, 직무만족, 이직의도, Emotional labor, job satisfaction, the intention to change the job
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