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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.53, No.0, 363 ~ 374, 2016
A Classification of Human Brand images According to Brand Personality
김정실 Kim Jung-sil
Background This study established analysis framework based on the consideration that defines celebrity as a human brand. In order to stereotype style image of actresses, this study analyzed images through the fashion style of middle-aged actresses in TV dramas. Methods In order to analyze the image of the style, articles from magazines, newspaper, and the Internet were taken as examples. Jennifer L Aaker`s BPS(Brand Personality Scale) was used while seven experts in the fashion industry were surveyed for the analysis of fashion style. Result As for the style of middle-aged actresses, five different types of characteristics were apparent based on Aaker(1997)`s brand Personality Scale. Among those, sophistication and competence were most evident. In the sophistication category, upper-classand feminine were apparent while in the confident category, successful & intelligent were apparent. For the excitement part, young was the one chosen and for the sincerity part of the study, friendly was the most apparent characteristic. Conclusion Middle aged women`s various life styles that pursuit young sensibility and fashion styles of them have been received attention. This can draw an expectation of a direction in fashion industry to be reflected to fashion products`sales.
Key Words
휴먼브랜드, 패션스타일, 브랜드개성, Human brand, Fashion style, Brand personality
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