abstract |
Background In the unexpected circumstance regarding to diversity, complexity, and enlargement of disaster, inappropriate response to the disaster and relief which does not consider social, cultural and environmental factors cause secondary damage to take place. The purpose of this research is for recovering community destructed by disaster, for checking out relief activities step by step, and for identifying types or definitions of relief-design which help field of design to develop efficient and creative idea of relief activities, which proposes necessity to assist relief-design of disaster area.
Methods Through bibliographic data and advance research, figure out what is relief activities and disaster respectively and define what is concept and type of relief-design based on the understanding, In addition, focused on recovery stage among a series of disaster management, analyze the examples of relief activities and instances of disaster, and then suggest necessities for relief-design which is needed in recovery stage. After that, propose current condition, necessity, and direction for relief-design through case study.
Result While relief activities for restoring damage of disaster go off variously depending on stage of disaster management and disaster condition, current relief activities are standardized without regard to cultural factors and circumstance of disaster. Hence, to overcome disaster condition through professional relief activities, support of various design fields is needed considering correlation between disaster and relief activities. Before suggesting relief design for specific class or for the response of each disaster by type, there should be more focused attention to relief design in recovery stage which prevent complexity and protractedness of disaster.
Accordingly, as a result of analyzing design usage which identifies the circumstance of damage in restorative stage of disaster and assists relief activities, various types of relief design is needed which help restore destructed society and destroyed cultural base such as physical, economic, and psychological damage in disaster area. In the light of current examples, relief activities is limited just to physical provision not taking various aspects into account. Therefore, relief design henceforward needs presentation of concrete design method, considering various condition of damage and lone-term perspective.
Conclusion There is increasing interest on disaster and relief activities internationally, but the concepts and traits are not clear in the area of relief design to support them. Unfortunately, most of them adopt other design concepts and usages, so there is confusion of using the exact and unified concept. As a result, the following things are needed; exact concept of relief design for supporting efficient relief activities, concrete design method based on categorizing exact concept and types, and research of various relief design to cope with social problem and various contemporary disaster |
Key Words |
재난·재해, 구호활동, 구호디자인, Disaster, Emergency Relief, Emergency Relief Design |