Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.53, No.0, 251 ~ 261, 2016
Title |
The Influence of Visual and Verbal Elements of Package Design on Consumption Value and Message Involvement : An Empirical Study of a High-Involvement Product. |
김경선 Kyung-sun Kim , 서구원 Koo-won Suh , 서송이 Song-yi Suh |
abstract |
Background Recently, competition among industries have increased and product differentiation have become a greater challenge. Package design is not only based on visual factors, appealing to consumers`emotions, but also based on verbal elements to increase consumer involvement and eventually induce consumers to purchase products. Thus, empirical research regarding visual and verbal elements of package design according to product involvement which affect consumer purchase decision is highly required.
Methods This paper empirically investigated the influence of visual and verbal elements of the package design of high-involvement products on consumption value and message involvement. An experimental research was conducted among 188 individuals including university students and results were obtained through regression analysis.
Result Results show that package design of high-involvement products have a significant influence on the design attitude through functional and epistemic values. On the other hand, it was discovered that there was no influence on the message involvement. Instead, functional value, epistemic value, message involvement all had an effect on product attitude. Furthermore, while design attitude and product attitude both have an effect on purchase intentions, product attitude was identified to have a greater effect between the two.
Conclusion This paper empirically investigates and explains verbal elements which increase functional value and message involvement, eventually influencing product attitude. Meanwhile visual factors have an effect on design attitude through epistemic value. The study provides empirical evidence of the consumer purchase process of package design, ultimately providing useful implications in terms of theoretical and practical aspects. |
Key Words |
포장 디자인, 고관여, 메시지 관여도, Package design, High-Involvement, Message Involvement |
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