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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.50, No.0, 145 ~ 155, 2016
Convergence as an Aspect of Korean Design - Focusing on the design of Seoul Good Signs-
남용현 Yong-hyun Nam , 김향원 Hyang-won Kim
Background This study aimed to explain the aspect of convergence of the outdoor sign designs of Seoul. First, the study set 1) destruction of balance 2) convergence of mapping and abstraction and 3) inseparability of formative elements of the Korean outdoor signs as categories for research and analysis and conducted a survey after applying the categories to Seoul Good Signs. Methods The survey was very simple, requiring the OX responses to whether the three categories were applied after looking at the picture. The survey was conducted on a total of 226 people on a condition to be able to answer the questions if they were design major students. Result The analysis found the responses to the research on balance, concreteness and separability and its conclusions. Seoul Good Signs showed that they were not in a geometric arrangement with accurate one on one balance, concreteness as photo images and abstraction like abstract expressionism and accurately separated shapes in a classical sense of design. In other words, they have kept a long distance from the classical principles of design and this was demonstrated in the outdoor signs in Seoul. Unlike general designs, outdoor signs are the most direct design products to communicate with the people on the street. Therefore, small techniques or imitation expression are often revealed soon and there are as much particular practices in sign production. There is no other choice but to consider making the designs convenient, easy to communicate and satisfying the characteristics of consumers (Koreans). Conclusion That was appeared to be the logic of convergence. The analysis result gives understanding to that the outdoor signs have the equivalent concept to convergence and that this is also one of the traditions of Korean pattern. Since the craft tradition and visual culture of Korea is different from the classical design principles of the Western countries, it is necessary to fundamentally understand the characteristics of the outdoor sign designs in Seoul from a different perspective from the western design principles.
Key Words
한국적 디자인, 융합, 서울 좋은 간판디자인, Korean Design, Convergence, Design of Seoul Good Signs
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