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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.50, No.0, 49 ~ 62, 2016
An Analysis of the Factors of Job Importance for Development of Fashion VMD Subjects
엄윤선 Youn-sun Eum , 박옥련 Ok-lyun Park
Background Consumers lay stress on the experience and symbol and doing global sensuous consumption and value-oriented purchase in the age of sensitivity of the 21st century. Thus, the necessity of cultivation of talented individuals suited to the demand of fashion industry has come to the fore than ever before. Accordingly, development of subjects capable of cultivating capability of organic and active visual merchandisers is necessary. Methods Thus, this study distributed 200 questionnaires to the hands-on workers in fashion companies and students attending fashion-related departments. 158 sheets and 180 sheets were used for analysis of final data. Result After carrying out factor analysis, this study classified and named the results as 4 factors of maintenance of shop, analysis of fashion information, establishment of brand strategy and composition of shop presentation. This study investigated the differences in job importance between groups. Hands-on workers group puts emphasis on the factors of maintenance of shop and composition of shop presentation that are the onsite performance-centered job duties of VMD. The result implicates importance of expanding practical education. Conclusion Analysis on the differences between detailed items by the factors between groups shows that introduction of onsite development-centered subjects is necessary showing a big difference between job demands of fashion companies and job awareness of students, which shows the necessity of a practical education model, not theory-centered education. Composition of shop presentation factor showd the biggest difference between hands-on workers and students, indicating that introduction of a field training subject for strengthening capability of practical visual merchandisers fashion industry demands is necessary.
Key Words
비주얼 머천다이징(VMD), 실무적용 교육모델, 직무 중요도, Visual Merchandising(VMD), Education model applicable to business, Job importance
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