abstract |
Background For composing urban environment, outdoor board sign is a key element in the beauty of urban image frame and urban space. Recently, Incheon has been hosting various international events that focused on New Town (Songdo, Youngjong, Chungra) which is a Free Economic Zone. It is changing rapidly.
Methods This study has investigated in the examples of British, Japanese, French cases which developed earlier and utilized well. I have researched design elements (letters, colors, frame) approach for various foreign outdoor board signs that is the guideline method on the urban architecture of Incheon.
Also I have looked into the utilization method and effects on LED sign which appears as a new sign medium, and I tried to make an image of local landscape.
Result Through the urban environment and outdoor board sign by the theoretical perspective and design contemporary analysis with foreign and local examples. Outdoor board signs should include a planning board in the case of architecture blue print.
And the designer must supervise from the first design suggestion to the last stage of completion.
Conclusion I made a fundamental guideline suggestion of outdoor board sign for a pleasant urban environment. Afterward, I expect this study provides an urban information easily which conducive to the innovation of urban environment for the global city Incheon. |
Key Words |
디자인, 사인디자인, 옥외광고사인, Design, Sign Design, Outdoor board Sign |