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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.48, No.0, 71 ~ 83, 2015
A Study on Application Service for Dietary Habit Improvement of Patients with Chronic Disease - Focused on Patients with Hypertension and Diabetes -
이종수 Lee Jongsu
This study is regarding an application service helpful for improvement of right dietary habit by discovering in-depth understanding and potential needs for dietary habit improvement by targeting patients with chronic disease. Data was collected through a literature survey, questionnaire, interview with patients with chronic disease and opinion of experts. As a result of interview, it could be identified that long-term dietary habit is required to be improved. Based on the contents of interview, a service application that may help dietary habit management of patients with chronic disease was prepared and it was verified through usability evaluation for the patients. As its result, it was evaluated that dietary habit would be naturally changed through improved customized menu and such menu would be helpful for sustained dietary habit. It is hoped that this study would be contributory to dietary habit improvement that was needs of patients with chronic disease.
Key Words
식습관 개선, 만성질환, 헬스케어 애플리케이션, Dietary habits, Chronic disease, Health care application
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