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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.47, No.0, 413 ~ 423, 2015
Signification of frame on picturebook
김정선 Jungsun Kim
Frame, the boundary between life and art, has own signification depending on what kind of media is based. Picturebook, a dual narration system media, word and image, is a narrative text composed no-movement images like paintings and pictures and constructed with sequence movement images like movie and cartoon. It is one of the important feature picturebook has that there are different type of frames such as size & shape of book, spread, pages and inner frame. The frames as an object won`t be even fixed. It can be resized, reshaped even in the same book. Futhermore they are able to assemble and be changeable. Especially, frames in picturebook are not fixed in role, shape, and signification. It is an organic formative sign by selection of frame, assemble, layout and changes in size or shape and causes variety of signification with their own story. Inner frame, for example depending on their layout in leaner or un-leaner way represents time or dimension even they are in same type of frame. Therefore, Frames play a role of formative sign to generate signification with the feature of picturebook and make picturebook differ from painting or movie does. And there is no doubt that frame as the language of art can build picturebook as an organic system which can be changed more than you can imagine.
Key Words
그림책, 프레임, 프레이밍, Picturebook, frame, framing
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