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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.49, No.0, 229 ~ 243, 2015
The Corelation between of Cosmetology Worker`s Self Efficacy, Professional Ethics, and Job Satisfaction with Customer Orientation
백영애 Young-ae Baek , 정연 Yeon Jung , 유태순 Tai-soon Yoo
Background This study is to grasp a structural relation between of cosmetology worker`s self efficacy, professional ethics, and job satisfaction with customer orientation. Methods A survey of 518 cosmetology workers who are over 20 years old of both genders in Seoul, Busan, Daegu and Gyeongbuk was taken about this research. The data analysis was performed through the programs such as AMOS 22.0 and IBM SPSS 22.0 for Windows. Result Cosmetology worker`s self efficacy, professional ethics, and job satisfaction have a direct impact on customer orientation. Self efficacy and professional ethics influence directly on one`s job satisfaction. Self efficacy influences directly on one`s professional ethics. Self efficacy influences indirectly on one`s job satisfaction and customer orientation through professional ethics. Self efficacy influences indirectly on customer orientation through one`s job satisfaction. Conclusion Cosmetology worker`s self efficacy, professional ethics, and job satisfaction have a very important relationship with customer orientation. And to conclude, the worker should forward one`s own professional ethics, job satisfaction with self efficacy. Customers will continue to grow with a qualitative improvement of worker`s customer orientation. And profits of cosmetology business will also increase with satisfied customers.
Key Words
자기효능감, 직업윤리, 고객지향성, Self Efficacy, Professional Ethics, Customer Orientation
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