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DOI :     Journal Korea Society of Visual Design Forum , Vol.55, No.0, 141 ~ 153, 2017
Effects of the Place Marketing Strategies on the Street Market Vitalization by the Flowing Market - Focused on Owners at Beakhyeon Cafe Street in Seongnam City -
홍경구 Keong-gu Hong
Background The purpose of this study is to evaluate the place marketing strategy effect on the street market vitalization by using a case study on Flowing Weekend Market at Baekhyeon Cafe Street in Seongnam city. Methods The research reviewed the urban design guidelines, the land use and development processes for the cafe district. 96 questionnaires for the owners were analyzed in order to specify influences on the street market vitalization through statistic analysis, matching sample T-test, cross analysis and multiple regression. Result Most owners thought that Most customers visited the cafe district due to the product, price, place and promotion factor which is specialized by the place marketing strategies. Second, the promotion in the Flowing Market led more customers to visit and time as well as to increase income of owners. Third, unique place design and various promotions were more critical factors for better owners satisfaction. Fourth, promotion conditions and unique place design in the commercial street promoted customers to stay longer. Fifth, owners made more money when customers find various promotions and products in the commercial area. Last, the unique products and promotion conditions were significantly influential elements for increasing customers. Conclusion this study analyzed the place marketing strategy effects on the street market vitalization statistically and suggested differentiation strategy as the purpose of street vitalization.
Key Words
가로 상가활성화, 장소마케팅전략, 플로잉 마켓, Street Market Vitalization, Place Marketing Strategy, Flowing Market
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